Friday, March 7, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cultural Diffusion in Europe During the Crusades

Cultural Diffusion is the spread of ideas and material culture. During the Crusades cultural diffusion occurred. It brought new ideas and inventions. During cultural diffusion in Europe it increased trade. It also brought the demand for Middle Eastern goods. They also developed a middle class and towns and cities.

It influences society now because cultural diffusion helped people develop town and cities. It also helped economic grow with money and the trade of goods through out the country. It also brought clothing materials like silk, linen, cotton and velvet. It also food and spices like cinnamon, colves, mace, nutmeg, pepper and sugar were introduced.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cause of Downfall in Ancient Rome

In ancient Rome there were different causes of the fall of the empire. One reason is that there were a lot of attacks from nomadic. Another reason was that Rome hired mercenaries or people that fight only for money. Then as they made more money, the value of money went down, which was called inflation. Then a big gap was between the rich and the poor.
In the United States the same problems are occurring. Instead of nomadic tribes we had attack from terrorist. We also hire mercenaries to fight in the war. We also are going through inflation. The U.S. also has the same gap between the rich and poor. I think that maybe the U.S will fall because the U.S and Rome have almost the same reasons so maybe one day the U.S. will fall like the Roman Empire. But we just have to wait and see what happens.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Golden Age of Ancient Greece

The Golden age is a time of peace and prosperity. The Golden age was during the year of 477 to 431 B.C. During the Golden Age the ruler was Pericles. He had 3 policies they were to Glorify Athens, to Strengthen Empire and to Strengthen Democracy. To Glorify Athens Pericles used money from the Delian league to glorify Athens. He also persuaded the Athenian assembly to vote huge sums of the league’s money to buy gold, ivory and marble. He still also paid architects and artist and worker who used these materials. To strengthen Empire he created the Delian league after the defeat of the Persians, Athens helped organize the delian league. Pericles used the money from the league’s treasury to make the Athens navy the strongest in the Mediterranean. To strengthen democracy, Pericles increased the number of public officials who were payed salaries. Earlier in Athens, most positions in public office were unpaid. Those, only wealthier Athenians citizens could afford to hold public offices.